Comments on: How Much Does a Website Cost in 2025? Less Than You Think WordPress Tutorials and Reviews for Beginners and Advanced Wed, 05 Mar 2025 03:27:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Behzad Pazoki Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:23:05 +0000 Good informtion though there are some very important aspects we need to consider. I want to add that website design and development is not a DIY project in most cases unless you just want a super simple website which show to your friends! Why is that? The answer needs to be thought about again. If people want to elevate and grow their business, it must be professional and functional. A good website needs many aspects to work flawlessly; sometimes even professionals face the problem, let alone DIYs.
You need to know how to work with cPanel or direct admin, set Cloudflare for security and speed, configure a bunch of plugins, work in a professional way to respect UI/UX, know how to fix conflicts and problem, understand Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Tag manager, etc. Setting emails in an effective way has it’s own story, doing Search Engine Optimiation is a must and yes alot more. A website is the virtual version of your business so it has to serve like your business but with a lots of added value and servicing much more clients. if you care about your business daily and each houre then you need to care about it’s virtual version too. We at “” take care of all aspects of your business.
