Top Recruiting and Hiring Trends To Know

ai recruitment trends
Ample innovations have been observed in the Human Resource (HR) industry in 2019. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played the most prominent role in automating the ai recruitment trends. AI created new ways of searching candidate profiles, selection, scheduling interviews, recruiting, and hiring.


In particular, recruitment operation is a major and essential task in the HR industry. I mean, streamlining hiring processes, reducing cost per head, checking skills ability everything needs to be checked while recruiting.

Now, as 2019 comes to its end, we need to look at future market trends in the HR industry. It’s time to look for how companies will improve employee engagement and how intelligent technologies like AI and Machine Learning (ML) will shape the HR industry in 2022.

Let’s Talk!

    Herein, with our expert search, we found below are the major HR trends

    AI recruitment trends department should know in 2022

    #1 Improve Candidate Experience

    Here, the below are the three important factors that as a recruiter you must consider to improve candidate experience:

    • Measure the success of your recruiting approaches
    • Scale the candidate experience with your company’s core values and goals
    • Candidate profile segmentation based on work type, department, and skillset
    • Make the candidate feel valued across the recruitment procedure

    #2 Second Importance To Soft Skills

    The skill gap was one of the major challenges that every current industry is facing now. The companies are investing more to fill the gap between departments. Here, every company must look at the soft skills of their employees. The current organizations are heavily dependent on soft skills such as communication and empathy.

    To address the shortage of these soft skills, recruiters are focusing to hire the candidates who can adopt the changing organizational structures.

    #3 Hiring More Potential Candidates

    Potential Candidates
    This is one of the major recruitment trends you should consider in 2022. As a recruiter, you must focus on hiring the potential candidate who matches the job criteria.

    We all know that every year thousands of talents are coming out. So, when you hire professionals, need to think outside the box. The recruiters should remember that qualified and talented candidates always helps to meet the company’s vision.

    And, one more thing, new hires need not meet every criterion of a job vacancy. But, they must able to handle the things that they assigned to.

    Therefore, it is important to recruit an individual who is eager to learn and also a proven track record to adapt to the new business environment. Candidates with useful technology and professional skills will surely have good job opportunities in the market. Recruiters all need to know how to use talents and their skills for the company’s growth.

    #4 Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting

    Artificial intelligence is everywhere. As we discussed in our blog, How Artificial Intelligence Meets HR Requirements?, Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps and tools meet all needs of the HR industry. It is changing the way of hiring processes. Automated and intelligent features of AI are helping the HR professionals to drive productivity and employee experience.

    Nowadays, enterprises are highly giving importance to provide the best experience to their employees. Moreover, to match the candidate profiles with the job criteria is one of the major areas where AI performs efficiently. Using machine learning techniques, the HR professionals are easily extracting the perfect candidate profile from their database. Hence, artificial intelligence helps recruiters to find the most relevant profiles from a pool.

    Further, organizations are investing in technologies like artificial intelligence to ease the core functions of the HR department. Artificial intelligence tools are used for-

    • Employee Relationship Management
    • Automate Entire Hiring Process
    • Engaging and Retaining Employees
    • Achieve Brand
    • Training and Development

    Yeah, one more fact, a major concern in every professional is that AI-powered robots will steal our jobs. But, it’s not like that. Artificial Intelligence will enhance the recruitment process in 2022 and will empower the workforce to perform their operations more innovatively and intelligently. Therefore, technology is the answer to perform repetitive recruiting tasks.

    #5 Believe in Time-is-Money Strategy

    Time Money Strategy
    Hiring the right candidate at the right time always is a challenge for the HR team. If you hire the quality candidates within time boundaries, it means that you saved a lot of your valuable time. And, when time is less, the expenses you spend on recruiting and hiring will also be reduced. Thus, lower-time-to-hire always proportional to lower-cost-on-hire.

    #6 The HR industry to Face challenge with Employee Retention Rate

    You hired a candidate after scrutinizing thousands of profiles and spending thousands of minutes. But, if they quit the job within a short time! Difficult to imagine. Right?

    This trend will be going to continue in 2022. The employee retention rate is expected to decrease in the future. So, say bye to your traditional work processes. Empower your employees to do their jobs simply and easily using intelligent technologies. Understand their pain points and resolve them. We ensure that this strategy will surely help you to maintain better relationships with your employees for long-time.

    USM has enough capabilities to identify, pick, and hire the talent who meets the core values of your business. Contact us today!

    #7 Employer Brand Will Attract More Candidates

    A fascinating employer brand plays a crucial role in attracting more candidates. In today’s competitive talent market, the employer brand takes over the market grip. The maximum percent of qualified candidate applications will be received by unlimited employer brands only. Jobseekers will apply to companies from various job portals, and they give high priority to brands.

    Hence, your careers page and social media activities, the authorizations of reviews on Glassdoor, industry experience, and employee count, everything will contribute to hype your brand name.
    Here, the challenge is not just promoting your brand, but at the same time maintaining your truthfulness towards your brand is matters.


    If you’re looking to boost your hiring processes, it’s a good strategy to consider all the above trends. USM Business Systems, with 20+ years of experience in providing hiring and recruiting services, help you become competitive in this emerging talent search industry.

    Contact us today. We help you out in handling all your staffing and recruiting requirements.

    Let’s Talk!


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