Elementor Free vs Pro

Trying to choose between the Elementor free and Pro versions? The free version is one of the most popular page builder plugins in the WordPress plugin repository, but there’s also the intriguing paid version, which unlocks a bunch of additional functionality.

So…do you need to open your wallet and pay for Elementor Pro? Or will you be just as happy using the free version found in the plugin repository? 😎👌🔥

In this post, we’ll help you answer that question by breaking down what you get in Elementor free vs Pro. Then, we’ll make some recommendations for which one to choose depending on the intentions you have for your website.

What you’ll get in the free version of Elementor

With the free version of Elementor, you can do quite a lot. Most importantly, you can use Elementor’s visual, drag-and-drop interface to design your pages, posts, and other content types.

This means you can create radically distinct layouts for different pages. You can even create multi-column layouts, something notoriously missing from WordPress’ default feature set.

Furthermore, Elementor can also help you ensure that your entire site’s design is cohesive (for example, if you need your blog and your WooCommerce shop pages to have a similar style). Your job is made even easier by the fact that you can create your own page templates and store them to use on later pages and posts.

In addition, you get access to a decent amount of pre-built material to work with when building your content including 30 elements and a generous library of templates and blocks:

The Elementor library of free templates.

The elements cover all the essential bases – text, images, headings, HTML, etc – but also let you add some non-standard features you’d usually have to download a plugin for. For example, you can include a button, Google map, image carousel, and more by placing a single element in the editor.

Elementor has also integrated its editor with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate original text, code, and images. All you have to do is add a widget to the editor and click on Write with AI:

Elementor AI

You’ll need to connect your site to Elementor AI by logging into your Elementor account. Then, you can enter specific prompts to quickly create headings, body text, images, and more.

The image generator has recently been enhanced. It now lets you remove/replace backgrounds, resize photos, and create image variations.

The differences between Elementor free and Pro

The free version of Elementor isn’t exactly lacking in features. On the contrary, it brings a lot to the table. However, there are many differences in what the Elementor free and Pro versions offer.

The premium version does everything the free version can do, of course. That means you get to use the same drag-and-drop builder tool. However, you’re no longer restricted to simply using that tool within the content areas of your site.

Elementor Pro’s theme builder functionality lets you use the plugin’s editor to modify nearly every part of your site:

Elementor free vs Pro theme building.

For instance, you can use the drag-and-drop builder to create headers and footers. You can also design pages that were previously untouchable, such as your archive and single post pages.

For all of these elements, you can create templates and use them throughout your entire site, or only apply specific designs to set pages (or types of pages). For more advanced users, you can also create templates for custom post types and include dynamic content from custom fields that you add with plugins like Advanced Custom Fields or Pods.

Additionally, if you’re using Elementor Pro (or the premium Elementor AI plan), you can use the AI service to create custom code and custom CSS. This is a useful feature if you’re a WordPress developer as you’ll be able to enter simple prompts to embed code, add animations, create a sticky header, and more.

Extra Elementor Pro features

👉 The other major benefit of purchasing Elementor Pro is that you get access to a larger library of:

You’ll be able to add more advanced features to your content, such as forms, sliders, and pricing tables. This greatly expands what types of pages you can create, and again saves you from having to install a lot of extra add-ons (for instance, you may not need a contact form plugin anymore).

These are just the premium version’s key additions – you can find a complete list of what’s included in Elementor Free and Pro on the developer’s website. Other useful features include the ability to add custom CSS directly to widgets, and the option to create ‘global widgets’ that can be placed on multiple pages and edited from a single location (for example, an email opt-in form that’s strategically positioned throughout your site). However, this should give you a sense of what the two versions have to offer.


How to choose between Elementor free and Pro for your own website

At last, we come to the key decision. Should you opt for the free version of Elementor, or pay for the premium upgrade?

First, it’s important to reiterate that not everyone will need Elementor Pro. The free version comes packed with lots of functionality and customization options.

However, the premium version can also be well worth the price of admission. The extra elements, templates, and blocks can be the key to designing truly unique content. Plus, the theme builder functionality gives you an unprecedented level of control over the way your site looks.

👉 In a nutshell, here’s who would be best off opting for Elementor free and Pro:

  • If you’re simply looking to create more complex layouts for your pages (such as multi-column designs), or you like the visual page-building experience, you may be more than happy with the free version of Elementor. It includes everything you need to create pages and posts that are visually compelling, and that benefit from some non-standard features like Call To Action (CTA) buttons and progress bars.
  • If you want to be able to customize nearly every aspect of how your site looks on the other hand, Elementor Pro will provide you with the options you need. You’ll essentially be able to create your own theme, which is handy if you’re aiming for a website that doesn’t look like anyone else’s. Elementor Pro is also a strong choice if you want to add features like contact forms and pricing tables to your site, without having to install a bunch of separate plugins.

Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention pricing. If you’re leaning towards Elementor Pro, you’ll need to make sure it fits into your budget. Fortunately, a single-site license isn’t too expensive – $59.00 for all premium features and a year of support.

Finally, if you’re still not sure which version you really need, your best option is to simply install the free version and give it a try. It’s really easy to upgrade to Elementor Pro at a later date, and you won’t lose any of your work.

Conclusion 🧐

Elementor is one of the most popular page builders for WordPress (if not the most popular). It’s fast, intuitive, and packed with lots of useful features. If you’re looking to ‘level up’ the way you create content on your website, this plugin is a great way to start.

👉 To recap, here are the primary differences between Elementor free and Pro:

  1. Free version: You get access to plenty of elements, templates, and blocks, and can use them alongside the drag-and-drop page builder to create pages and posts. Plus, you can utilize Elementor AI to instantly generate content.
  2. Pro version: You’ll be able to pick from a much larger library of options, and can further customize your site by editing almost every part of it using the theme builder (including headers, footers, archive and single post pages, and more). You’ll also be able to design elements and generate code with the AI tool.

And again, check out our full Elementor review if you want to learn more about any of these features.

Have any other questions about Elementor free vs Pro for your specific situation? Leave a comment and we’ll try to help you decide!

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