Comments on: Let’s All Laugh Together, Or Not Laugh at All: An Essay on Pineapples, WordPress and Humor WordPress Tutorials and Reviews for Beginners and Advanced Thu, 19 Dec 2024 11:01:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabina Ionescu Thu, 19 Dec 2024 11:01:31 +0000 In reply to Kelsey Barmettler.

It is a breath of fresh air to see people that stand for what they believe, it feels good to draw a line and respect it.

The problem I think is with those who were involved over the years and who believed that the “Community Code of Conduct” governs WordPress overall. And realising that it’s a chymera and they were fools. It’s hard to accept you were a victim and it’s even harder to continue to support leadership that does not follow the rules themselves. This is basic “leadership” knowledge, people won’t follow you if you’re more ‘equal’ than them.

By: Kelsey Barmettler Thu, 19 Dec 2024 07:24:31 +0000 This whole saga is an embarrassment to WordPress and reveals Matt for anyone who has been living under a rock to be a childish tyrant ruled by extremely cringy impulses. I’ve found Matt’s personality repulsive for years, but I’m shocked that he’s doing things which are so destructive to his own interests. His actions don’t seem legally in contempt of court, but they are certainly contemptuous of the court’s sensible decision. Non lawyer here, of course.

All this said, I feel obliged to mention that although Hawaiian pizza doesn’t suit my palette, I recommend trying pineapple + fresh jalepeno + pepperoni (NOT ham- that’s what distinguishes this from Hawaiian). It’s incredible.

That said, if Matt hadn’t removed this from the login form, I wouldn’t have ever logged in again, same as when he added the WPE loyalty test (despite the fact that I’ve never given WPE a single red cent). Because in spite of his apparent delusion, he doesn’t own my loyalty as a (minuscule) contributor to WordPress. And if there was a version of WordPress that excluded him and his lackeys I would contribute to that instead. …Please!
