AI In Automotive Industry – Will Artificial Intelligence Reshape The Automotive Industry?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) In The Automotive Industry

Applications of AI technology are huge in the automotive industry. Starting from an industrial robots at production places to driverless cars, taxis, buses, and trucks, AI in automotive industry has brought tremendous changes recently.

Along with manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence will also change the research and design support functions. Manufacturers working in the automotive industry are realizing the importance of AI applications. Thus, they are focusing on developing advanced AI solutions to balance the demand for autonomous vehicles.

Herein, we would like to describe the benefits and current state of AI in the automotive industry. Let’s get started with a few top AI use cases in the automotive industry.

Applications Of AI In The Automobile Industry

Let’s explore the top AI use cases transforming the automotive industry

#1 Driver Assist

It is one of the best use cases of artificial intelligence in automotive industry. AI in automotive can assist the drivers in protecting against accidents. Some AI-enabled systems or sensors beep or give alarms to the driver to avoid accidents while driving.

For example, when the driver is not wearing the seat belt, AI devices deliver an alarm sound as an indication to wear a seat belt. Likewise, when the car door is not closed, an alarm sound occurs immediately. Hence, AI in the automotive sector is a backbone to the innovation for the future generation.

#2 Driverless Automobiles

Driverless or autonomous vehicles are the best applications of AI in the automotive industry. The use of AI in the automotive industry for manufacturing next-generation cars with self-learning and self-driving capabilities.

Previously, it was just a dream to see a driver-less car on the road. But now, thankfully, it is happening in real-time. Because of having the best automotive companies in India, the USA, and Europe, the automobile manufacturing process is beyond our expectations.

With the adoption of AI technology, the development of self-driving cars is at a faster pace. It is one of the best advantages of AI for the automotive industry.

Along with retrieving data from image recognition systems, using the power of machine learning, neural networks, self-driving cars can drive autonomously.  Hence, the role of artificial intelligence in automobiles for bringing driverless vehicles on the road is incredible.

#3 AI Cloud Services

AI for the automotive industry is not only limited to autonomous vehicle manufacturing and other driver assistance functionalities, but the use of AI in the automotive industry for accessing information of connected vehicles is on trend across the markets.

Connected vehicles or autonomous cars need more and more data to do their tasks independently. The application of AI cloud services is useful here. It ensures data availability when required for self-driving automobiles.

AI Cloud is a perfect platform to perform and deploy AI technology in the automotive industry.

Besides, the integration of AI with IoT sensors and the cloud ensures excellent benefits. AI systems in the automotive industry monitor thousands of sensor data and detect issues related to vehicle operations.

Artificial intelligence in automobile manufacturing notifies the driver regarding component failure and makes the journey safe and hassle-free. Thus, artificial intelligence in automobiles helps in predicting component failure before it gets damaged.

Similarly, in the low-fuel scenario, AI systems using big data will send an auto-notification and suggests the nearest fuel station.

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#4 AI Automotive Insurance

Use cases of artificial intelligence in automotive for digitally claiming insurance are gaining popularity. Digital insurance claiming is one of the top AI use cases that is transforming the automotive industry. AI in the automotive industry speeds up the insurance claiming process when accidents occur.

The applications of AI in automotive insurance are rapidly implementing by automotive industries.

The insurance industry and AI automotive insurance do the same thing, but customers take more advantage of AI schemes rather than traditional insurance processes. While claiming the policy amount, customers need to take photos and upload photos with the insurance company.

The best examples of AI automotive insurance are AI-Powered Driver Risk Assessment apps. These AI apps help in predicting driver safety.

With the help of previous big data, like whatever the driver was facing in the past or going through currently, Artificial intelligence can predict the possible risks that may occur due to his driving skills.

Similarly, AI-powered auto-damage assessment apps help in claiming insurance for damaged vehicle parts.

AI apps are useful for quickly uploading damaged vehicle photos and getting claimed. Thus, AI automotive insurance is much faster than the traditional insurance process when accidents occur.

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#5 AI in Car Manufacturing

From the above discussion, we are aware of how AI technology  supports cars while driving. Besides, AI in the automotive industry has its influenced car manufacturing also.

The application of AI robots across assembly lines is gaining momentum. Now, industrial robots are working more efficiently than the human workforce in the car manufacturing process. The robots are also able to complete tasks like them.

Thanks to collaborative robots that use AI capabilities. The robots can sense the human workforce and perform their tasks efficiently and accurately.

How-an-On-Demand-car-Parking-Reservation-App-Functions#6 Driver Monitoring Systems

AI in automotive monitors the driver and checks whether the driver is fully active or not. AI-driven sensors detect driver tiredness and alert the driver with an alarm. Here are how artificial intelligence revolutionizes drivers’ and cars security-

  • They can communicate and able to create maps for the preferred locations
  • Creates various useful information which helps the driver while driving
  • AI helps in route navigation
  • AI in automotive can forecast weather
  • Artificial intelligence in the automotive industry helps in monitoring the traffic

#7 Emotion Detection & Risk Identification

It is one of the best applications of AI in the automotive industry. Emotion Detection has been available for many years in streams of text or documents, with sentiment analysis APIS being able to do all of this with many providers such as Microsoft, Social Opinion, and IBM.

By uploading images and processing them by machine learning algorithms, it is now possible for machines to detect the state of mind expressed by a human being by calculating the probabilities in terms of various emotions such as anger, joy, sadness, and so on.

#8 AI for Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management and Automation are the one of the most popular applications of AI in the automotive industry. The automotive manufacturers have complex supply chains in various locations. Any breakdowns in a single supply chain lead to more cost.

By implementing AI in the automotive industry, manufacturers can regulate their supply chains with ease. From planning and logistics to inventory tracking and management, everything goes transparently with AI.

#9. AI In Automotive Testing

Artificial intelligence in automotive testing is the mostly adopted AI use case in the automotive industry. Implementing the model-based testing processes, AI and ML systems will test and measure the vehicle performance 24*7.

Further, ML algorithms are very much helpful for manufacturers in creating hundreds of prototypes of devices and parts. These insights into the design will be helpful for manufacturers to introduce a trendy model into the market. Hence, Artificial intelligence in automotive testing is also a notable application for ensuring automation in product design and testing.

These are the top AI use cases that are brilliantly transforming the automotive industry. Artificial intelligence reshaping the automotive industry and taking it to the heights. Manufacturers cannot imagine the benefits of adopting AI in the automotive sector. AI-driven systems bring multiple production units into a single platform and automate production division requests for vehicle components, labor requirements, and so on.

Would you like to know more about AI use cases in the automotive industry?

Let’s explore with our AI developers and know the significance of AI for the automotive industry!

The Future of AI in the Automotive Industry

Artificial intelligence reshaping the automotive industry

The future of AI in the automotive industry will be flourishing. The term automation in the automotive sector has been a buzz since the past few years. The use of AI in the automotive industry worldwide is on the rise.

Automobile manufacturers around the world are using AI technology in every aspect of the vehicle manufacturing process. With a blend of AI and machine learning, autonomous vehicles go safely through traffic.

Thus, AI in automotive, using cloud computing, IoT, ML, deep learning, and cognitive systems, will bring safe and efficient autonomous vehicles to market. Likewise, AI-powered smart automotive manufacturing is also expected to surge along with technology.

AI robots have not yet rolled completely, but they will completely take over the manufacturing operations in the next coming decade. As we discussed in the above section, the list of AI use cases in the automotive industry will gain prominence in the future. The below figure depicts the growth of AI development and deployment in the automotive industry from 2015 to 2030.

Deployment of AI in the Automotive Industry

The above figure depicts that the future of the automotive industry will be around AI. Moreover, by considering many other AI trends in the automotive industry, it is estimated that self-driving vehicles will hit the streets by 2030.

According to the research reports, it is estimated that the global sales of self-driving systems to reach 80 million units by 2032 from 33 million units in 2019. The expected growth rate is fabulous and generates fruitful business for smart automobile manufacturers.

You can analyze the penetration of autonomous vehicles by observing their market share by 2030 from the below figure.

Research reports

Research reports say that the market share of fully automated driving is just 0.01% in 2019. And, by 2030, it’s going to hit 19% of the total automobile market share.

With rapid advancements in AI, the technology will occupy its brand in the automotive market space.

Industrial AI robots will also reach peak levels across the production and assembly lines in the automotive plants. All these stats state that artificial intelligence in automobile manufacturing is the future for AI companies to improve productivity and ensure quality.

Are you looking to develop an AI app to make your automobile processes smart and efficient?

Contact USM- a leading AI solutions and services provider. Whether you have plans for an automated assembly line, USM has the best AI solution for the automobile industry.

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